Cheshire Campaign to Protect Rural England

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Jackie Copley, our planning manager, provided some expertise for Wirral Green Space Alliance when responding to the Issues and Options Consultation.  She helped to make the case that environmental and planning designations that protect valued local assets should endure in the future for the benefit of all.

Thursday, 13 February 2020 06:38

University of Chester Volunteering Fair

Written by CPRE Cheshire

CPRE Cheshire is looking forward to meeting potential student volunteers at our stand at the University of Chester Volunteering Fair on Friday 14th February.

Thursday, 13 February 2020 06:22

Take part in our 2020 star count

Written by CPRE Cheshire

To celebrate the wonder of starry skies, take part in our national Star Count, a cosmic census to map our view of the stars. It’s taking place between 21-28 February.

CPRE Cheshire is pleased that Cheshire East councillors have deferred making a decision on a proposed 800-space car park on Green Belt land near Styal, which would serve Manchester Airport.

The Wirral Society, who represent CPRE on the peninsula, have long highlighted the threats to the Green Belt from high population and employment figures put forward in the Local Plan; these figures have been challenged by CPRE as recently as October 2018, using evidence from Professor David Gregg, Graham Stevens and other respondents to demonstrate that levels are much higher than necessary. Now, CPRE Planning Officer Jackie Copley has conducted research alongside the Wirral Green Space Alliance, finding that the number of brownfield sites available on the Wirral has been under-recorded; land that could potentially site 14960 dwellings currently awaits development, which could drastically reducing the pressure on sites in open countryside. 

Friday, 12 July 2019 09:08

The Mersey Forest turns 25

The concept of the Mersey Forest came about as one of twelve large-scale, long-term tree planting programmes proposed in the early 1990s, with the aim of improving the environment for the benefit of people, wildlife and the economy. The Mersey Forest, covering 500 square miles, is the largest of these Community Forest areas, covering parts of Merseyside and North Cheshire, and the woodlands planted offer a great opportunity to experience nature on your doorstep.

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Trent and Mersey Canal, Middlewich